8 min readOct 25, 2022


“The more you know the less you speak” Therefore, if you do otherwise, you reverse the statement. You now speak even more and know or be less. Hence, whatever you speak or teach is limited in its value or meaning, exaggerated, or never even communicated at all even though spoken — Jindu

I have always been a writer since I was exposed to writing(well, in grade 1 lol)…
I wrote my first book at 14 but never published it due to seeming financial constraints and family unreadiness. I had to live with that reality and with every passing moment, I wrote something that intrigued my senses, then it became part of me to write at least about my experience a day. Yeah, my love for writing was to that extent. The more I wrote, the better I got at writing and also the more knowledgeable I became about the previous. With time I adapted to never being public or known but rather growing on my own without a word, I just lived my life improving and changing rapidly. My growth was one of spontaneity, I was growing and coming to realizations with time. I had my first writing documentary with WAZOBIA MAX TV in 2019. After this, my writing skills and knowledge developed, propelling me into a “Writing Consultant” (this happened with experience and growth). It kept getting better and better, although I preferred writing consultancy to actual writing as time passed.

“Allow time to reveal your naivety and seeming knowledge. It always does, we don’t see it due to over-sabi. Just keep calm and KNOW” — Jindu

With time I grew out of my shell and realized a difficult truth, which, when understood, has the propensity to shape writing and the world in a great way. The truth is “You never know until you KNOW, yet, you never even know to KNOW, at least not yet. You will know when the time comes to KNOW but at that time, you wouldn’t want to KNOW but rather just watch
That was the conclusion I came up with after years of experience and being. This realization made me disregard the need to post my career works or any serious life endeavor(financial sources) on social media because, with time, one grows out of a passion for that which has been their proposed best way of expression and way of life. We are humans, still discovering our intellect and evolving, nothing is infinitely satisfying or lasting. We change(always for the best) because there is progress in what we do and live.

I grew into an intuitive writer who never writes….
The label already sounds displeasing and weird because how can anyone call themselves writers with no writing or work of proof that they are professional in this endeavor? Yeah, I lived with guilt contemplating this seeming fact until I grew out of it, with time.

I finally stopped writing at all for the public when I realized the limitation of words to express or define the true meaning of my enlightening thoughts. I soon understood that the only way to fully grasp the value and meanings of your thoughts and ideas is to FEEL them and grow by admitting their primitivity. Knowing that whatever idea, realization, or seeming knowledge you conceive is unrefined, and will only develop with time if you let it be what it is without interference. It is better to not speak so you don’t misdirect yourself and others, as your thoughts are always changing, improving, and always in the process of maturity, hence the reason for growth, development, and advancement. Perspectives and impressions with time, do evolve. The more you speak a conceived thought the harder it is to grow, change or expand your knowledge. You remain stuck when you think you’ve known the truth or falsehood of anything at all. So the only prerequisite for growth, in my opinion, is to work on the inside and give silence right out. Open-mindedness(Humility, Simplicity, and Flexibility) of your made beliefs and being goes a significant mile to help you evolve very quickly.

“Advise, as a conclusion for a solution is the worst thing you should desire to give anyone. If at all you must write, make it in such a way that it is a suggestion among several better suggestions a person must adopt for clarity akin to your personal experience” — Jindu

Let’s take a few very relatable analogies to clarify ourselves…

  • As a writer, the moment I write I am automatically tuned in to my intellect that the more I write the more there seem to be more ideas backing the thoughts and causing an interesting flow of expression. Before this experience, I was either thinking of a way to even write a single sentence or a complete paragraph and after that moment of writing and feeling so impacted, I begin to feel normal without content to stow until I summon some effort to do so. After a short or long while, more mature and enhanced knowledge and understanding dawns on me. When this happens for some people, they are inspired to write a book, article, or whatever it is they are teaching, in a more advanced and refined way than the previous. In being flexible and open to change, they keep growing out of their knowledge and with this, keep writing different books and stories with similar or the same contents.

Some developed minds will realize this fact, make reflections and understand that when your logical mind is fully developed it will come up with a book and its title for its target audience and make up an enlightening write-up, you will be so tuned into intellect and absolute knowing until you finish the book in one sitting without realizing it. This happens with little or no effort from the person writing. But until you know you KNOW, it is better to take a deep breath before spewing. You can not feed someone else if you haven’t gotten sufficient feeding yourself. People always know and understand what they are ready for at the perfect time either through a writer, something else, or even their personal life experiences.

  • As a normal person, how many times have you given a piece of advice or made a certain conclusion only for you to realize with time that you were wrong? Not only does your opinion sound crude, you just wish nobody heard it. Yeah, it happens to anyone human(lol, it is a natural non-phenomenon). We live around each other for growth and expansion in different ways, especially in our actions.

It very well serves when you admit your nescience no matter what good idea or experiences you think you have and give a suggestion to the person asking for your opinions, speaking in such a way that you are redirecting them back to themselves(that is, do not give conclusions based on your experiences or ideas because they are limited to serving you). This approach not only saves you from the limitation of thinking “you know better” but also opens the door to ideas(intellect) for the learner, helping them trust their thoughts because a suggestion might be all they need to tap into their innate intelligence.

In truth, no one can solve your problems but you, of course, they can be an inspiration to you and should ignite a spark in you that helps you evolve(actually the reason for living together as a family, society, and cohabiting beings, however), but they can only do this best by living their lives as an expression of their impactful experience and then having you figure the rest yourself by learning and being.

As an intuitive writer, my desire and passion are to live a life of impact on everyone and anyone around me, always writing the best version of my personal life, growing from each experience of the moment(evolving from the previous…) thereby, inspiring you to do same for the people around you and having them express the same… and it just keeps getting better, evolving without a form of limitation whatsoever. All this without writing to anyone, but having them learn and feel your impact on living helps them tap into their potential and become better in their individual lives without you telling them directly, limiting the impact you can create with words. With this idea and way of living, harmony is restored. No one feels governed by anyone, but learn from those who are a product of an advanced life experience. There is so much you can do and become by learning from the way of life of an individual than what they tell you in words. We all possess the innate potential to evolve our lives without being told to if we can all just watch and learn without words.

How jindustechspace was created and why it’s obsolete…

Every great idea no matter its impact must come to a finish for better ones to be expressed, change is what you get as a result of growth — Jindu.

Jindu’s Tech Space was thought of as a space that expresses to its audience an individual’s personal experience relating to what other individuals are going through at the moment. This was a good idea at the time the individual conceived it in that, it helps other people go through a smoother, more easy journey by referencing the author’s experience. It was thought of as a space that writes what is needed by the audience “a moment at a time”

But how about realizing that your journey and experiences can never be compared to others? How about at least, understanding that we are all “individuals” and our approaches and experiences are not in any way relative(absolutely different)? Very impactful considerations were made by the author. Every moment is an expansion from the previous, relieve yourself of so much importance and allow growth.

No matter the external words you gain for motivation, your will is expressed. Therefore, in my words, I think we are all inspired somehow to develop our potential for our individual growth and journey. And that inspiration is derived more from the livelihood of more advanced beings, those around you that are more experienced “and are a product of their growing experiences and not just mere words”. The truth is, we all have the answers to all our questions and seeming troubles, we just need a pointer(some advanced being to show us the right button to be pressed for our lights to be ignited).

Note: “showing” you the button is not the same as “telling” you about the button, you are the only one who when shown the button knows better about it, and also the only one to tap and use the button accurately.

“If in the course of your life experience and growth, you need someone to talk to (just about anything at all, your career work, seeming troubles or problems, misunderstandings and confusions, etc), if you need someone who refers you back to yourself for answers, that is, help you solve your problems which are, of course, your responsibility… then, do not hesitate to contact me, and this must be because you trust and agree with it”.

Contact me: augustaeshiowula@gmail.com

“Come and solve your disturbance, it’s your responsibility”.




A writer and software engineer. Exploring the pleasure of each passing moment, creating awesome experiences yet being the experiencer, is what life is about.